Abuse Team
Welcome to our Abuse Team page.
How to Reporting Abuse:
Please use our feedback form or email abuse@zararu.ru to report abuse. Your submission should include the following information:
1. Incident Description:
- Detailed description of the event or violation.
2. Evidence:
- Attach screenshots, links, or other evidence (if available).
3. Your Contact Information:
- We may contact you for additional information if needed.
Zara Trademark Holders:
Representatives of Zara trademark holders can also use the feedback form to address infringement issues. We aim to collaborate with rights holders and resolve matters promptly.
Processing Procedure:
Our abuse specialists will review all reports with confidentiality. We will carefully examine the provided data and take necessary actions.
Expected Response Time:
Expect a response from us within 48 hours.
We value the confidentiality of your information. The data you provide will be used solely for investigating the reported violation.

Ваш промокод на первый заказ
Чтобы не потерялся, мы продублировали промокод на ваш email.
Оформляя подписку, вы соглашаетесь с нашими условиями и Политикой конфиденциальности. Отказаться от рассылки можно в любое время, нажав «Отменить подписку» в нижней части любого из наших электронных писем.